Call for papers


  • New avenues for sustainable materials production
  • Programming material’s multifunctionality in living components
  • New approaches to ELM processing
  • Materials with new sensory functions
  • Programming resilience in material’s design
  • Visions for adaptability and evolvability in ELMs
  • Living Therapeutic Materials
  • ELM’s pathway to the market

Abstract submission is closed


  • Submission of abstracts for oral presentation closed on March 27, 2022.
  • Submission of abstracts for poster presentation closes on Mai 22, 2022.

Presentation Formats

  • Oral presentations (see program)
  • Posters

Posters will be displayed during the conference. Each poster will have a DIN-AO panel (width 841 mm x height 1189 mm), and the poster must fit within this area. Presenters are expected to stand by their posters and answer questions during the poster sessions.

  • All presenters will be required to register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fee.